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Whatcom Pet Care Network

Interested in Joining?

We welcome all qualifying professional pet sitting or dog walking businesses in our community to become members of Whatcom Pet Care Network.

We provide...


We encourage connections and the exchange of pet care knowledge during our monthly meetings.


We help members stay up-to-date on pet care information by inviting speakers to meetings.

Community Outreach

We're passionate about impacting our community through our annual pet food drive and other projects.

Pet Sitter Search

Our "Find a Professional" page helps quality local pet sitters get more business, and helps pet parents find the perfect sitter to fit their needs.

Membership Criteria

a) Completion and submission of a WPCN membership application, followed by a formal interview and 3-month probationary period.
b) Initial interview with one member of committee / turn in application.
c) Followed by formal interview with membership committee.
d) Probationary period starts.
e) During last month of probationary period, meet with membership committee and provide at least three references.

All Members have signed the Pledge of Professionalism


Networking: Monthly meetings with other pet professionals help to create a referral base
Education: Access to member-only seminars and peer-to-peer learning
Marketing: Opportunities to gain exposure at community events
Access: Discounts at a growing list of local businesses
Clients: You will be listed on our website

Interested in Joining? Get in Touch!

Membership Application